
This Week
This Week's Schedule
No activities this week.
Fall Plans
For the Fall of 2024 all
Nighthawk Softball activities
have been suspended.
Future Dates
Map to this
Weekend's Games
Click the button to get a google map of today's game/activity.
Hunziker Youth Sports Complex
800 Billy Sunday Road,
Ames IA, 50010
1234 Curtis Ave.
Chariton IA. 50049
Boone National Little League
314 W. 2nd Street
Boone, IA 50036
Rain Out Line
Ames - Text from Coach Todd
DSM (515) 375-7177
2024 Spring Schedule
Summer Schedule
As we schedule more games
we will add them here.
May 30 (Thu) 12U Grinnell
Double Header
June 10 (Mon) Both Teams Boone
Double Header
June 12 (Wed) Both Teams Boone
Double Header
June 13 (Thu) 12U Grinnell
Double Header
June 26 (Wed) Both Teams Boone
Double Header
June 27 (Thu) Both Teams Boone
Double Header
White = Tentative
* Means we are entered
???? Means it could be 12U or 14U
May 4-5 No Tourney
May 11-12 No Tourney
May 18-19 12U WDM Invitational *
May 25 14U 1 Day Iowa City Tourn
Jun 1-2 No Tourney
World Series Trip
Jun 8-9 Off
Jun 15-16 12U S. DSM Tourney
Jun 21-22 OFF
Jun 29-30 ???? Tourn of Champ (DSM)
Jul 6-7 ???? Christmas in July (KC)
Jul 13-14 OFF
Jul 19-21 ???? VIP World Series (KC)
The number of tournaments we play in July will depend upon player interest.
Live Stream
We are changing our Video Streaming
service to GameChanger.
There, you will be able to watch the game live, AND see the score.
You will need to get the GameChanger App to watch the game on phone.
Once you have the app, you will need to find our team. Look for WCNH.
It is listed as a New York Team.
Then you will have to request to
follow our team.
Or, you can watch on your computer
with the link below.
You do NOT have to pay for a subscription to watch live video,
and we recommend that you do NOT.
The Nighthawk System
We have an aggressive offensive system unlike almost any other team out there. This is the Nighthawk System...
Intensely aggressive & intelligent baserunning, driven by an attack offense based on the short game, supported by an engaged dugout.
The Warren County Nighthawks were founded in the fall of 2010.
We serve players in who live near Indianola.
This year we will have three teams: 12U, 14U and 16U
Mission Statement: To provide an experience that builds athleticism, knowledge,
and character in a safe, nurturing, and fun environment.

Manager/Head Coach: Todd Johnston
Cell Phone: (409) 351-4610
Email: warrencountynighthawks@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/warrencountynighthawks
Youtube: Computer Link Mobile Link